死缠烂人: #6 Real-life coming of age movie. What stands out here is the subtle push and pull dynamics between modern values and conservative traditions. On one hand we have characters saying the "correct" things, like "we parents shouldn't interfere what our children want", or there seemingly is direct intervention from School teachers and folks from "People's Committee" aiming to protect children's rights, which makes you think that tradition, as it stands, maybe are merely performative traditions in this day and age. Until at the very end when the brutal sequence unfolds in front of our eyes, the camera and the parents of Di, who almost decides to do nothing.
蜀南客:到後面就拖沓了,但是小學同學好善良啊TUT 然後男豬腳他爹的口音好好笑= = 但是能知道自己死的時間然後好好準備,真不錯啊。不想帶著遺憾死掉T_T
宝二爷:随时随地「娇宠1∨1POP笔趣阁」,迎接「就算是老师也想继续教学」! 萧芳芳演技碉堡死了,导演水平有点莫名,不过分开看很多场景和对白很有意味。我们能有几个人能做到一过“夫妻之间动画图片”便全情投入,我们能有几个人在人生谢幕之时敢说“今生不悔。PS,虽然片子里没有,但粤剧帝女花的香夭选段真心好听!